
Elk land dat een Eliteronde organiseert bij de jeugdteams maakt van de gelegenheid gebruik om zich voor te stellen in een programmaboekje. Dit was nu ook het geval voor de KBVB bij deze uitgave.

David Delferière, de voorzitter van het Belgische vrouwenvoetbal! Foto – (c) / David Catry

David Delferière, sinds begin dit seizoen voorzitter van het Belgische vrouwenvoetbal, heet als Tornooidirecteur op pagina 3 iedereen welkom en hij dankt zij die zich mee inzetten voor de organisatie van deze Eliteronde zoals de hotels die de gastteams ontvangen en de clubs waar die landen hun trainingen mogen afwerken en dat zijn Rulo Union Lasne Ohain (Polen) en Racing Club de Waterloo (Zwitserland) terwijl de scheidsrechters op de accomodatie van Tempo Overijse terecht kunnen.

Roberto Martinez, de bondscoach die België naar de 3de plaats leidde op het WK 2018 in Rusland! Foto – (c) / Dirk Vuylsteke

Roberto Martinez, de bondscoach van de Rode Duivels, en Ives Serneels, bondscoach van de Belgian Red Flames, nemen op pagina 4 het woord. Beiden wensen alle deelnemers een goeie week toe en veel succes op het veld. Roberto Martinez spreekt al even over de eindronde in Schotland en ziet dat als een fantastische mogelijkheid om te gaan concurreren voor een plaatsje bij het A-team van de Belgian Red Flames. Ives Serneels spreekt uiteraard ook over de trip van zijn Belgian Red Flames naar de Verenigde Staten. Hij zegt dat België ambitie heeft om hogerop te klimmen in de vrouwenvoetbalsport.

Ives Serneels, de bondscoach van de Belgian Red Flames! Foto – (c) / David Catry

Op pagina 5 mag Gouden Schoen Tessa Wullaert antwoorden op enkele vragen zoals wat ze zich herinnert van haar EK 2011 met de Belgian Red Flames U19 in Italië en hoe moeilijk het is om in zo’n eindronde te geraken. Ze mag ook haar mening geven over de belangrijkheid om dit soort jeugdinterlands te spelen en er werd haar ook om een advies gevraagd voor de jonge speelsters. ‘Enjoy! And don’t give up. Show everyone who Belgium is!”, antwoordde ze volmondig!

Tessa Wullaert, tweevoudig Gouden Schoen en beste schutter bij de Belgian Red Flames, aan het oefenen met de bal tijdens de Cyprus Women’s Cup 2019! Foto – (c) / David Catry

In het boekje vind je verder ook nog volledige spelerslijsten van de vier deelnemende landen aan deze Eliteronde richting het EK 2019 in Schotland en een lijst van mensen die alles rond dit tornooi in goede banen moeten leiden.

Belgische vreugde na de overwinning op de openingsdag in de Eliteronde op weg naar het EK 2019 in Schotland! Foto – (c) / Dirk Vuylsteke

Op zaterdag 6 en dinsdag 9 april 2019 kan U in Tubeke terecht voor speeldag 2 en 3 in groep 2 van deze Eliteronde U19 op weg naar het EK 2019 in Schotland!

U kan alle wedstrijdupdates volgen via de website van de UEFA:

Voor interviews met speelsters uit het Belgische en internationale voetbal:
Vrouwenteam TV

PS: Hieronder geven we U de originele teksten in het engels zoals ze te lezen zijn op pagina 3, 4 en 5 van het programmaboekje rond deze Eliteronde WU19!

***Dear Friends,

It is with great honor and pleasure that the Belgian FA is organizing this European women’s under-19 elite round here in our Belgian Football Centre in Tubize. Meanwhile, I’d like to thank neighbouring club AFC Tubize for hosting one match at their ground.

It is our custom, our tradition even, to carry out tasks entrusted to us happily and professionally, achieving excellent results. I would like this to be another of those occasions.

The last tournament that we organized took place 3 years ago with the women’s under-17s. We all have great memories of that week together, where everyone contributed. Today, we are ready for future fixtures and other challenges. Together we can succeed if we really want to.

I would like to thank the directors of the club AFC Tubize and the people responsible for the National Football Centre who once again excelled themselves, providing us with professional, conscientious and very positive support. I would also like to thank the directors of Tempo Overijse and Waterloo, for hosting the other participating teams for their various training sessions.

Thanks also to the Martin’s Red Hotels in Tubize, Waterloo and Genval for their hospitality.

Finally, I would like to welcome the UEFA officials, the referees and the teams, and to make sure that their stay is positive and unforgettable. These people represent almost 100 athletes and attendants from nine different countries.

For the Belgian FA, hosting this tournament is very important in order to promote women’s football in our country. The Belgian Red Flames, our national A-team, achieve good results and this year both our U19 and U17 teams play the elite round.

For the future we hope to have a very important recruitment of young girls to continue the development women’s football.

David Delferière Vice president Royal Belgian Football Association Tournament Director

***Dear football friends, Dear fans of our national women’s teams,

As the Technical Director of the Belgian FA, I am very pleased and proud that the women’s U19 Euro Elite Round will take place in our Belgian Football Centre in Tubize.

It will be great to see how our young women’s team will progress in its development during this tournament. I am really looking forward to the challenge of facing Switzerland, Finland and Poland. Playing at the Euro’s this summer in Scotland could be an incredible opportunity to compete for a place in the Belgian Red Flames A team of Ives Serneels.

The Red Flames are an inspirational team, and in football we need to work on the present and the future. The ambition of the Belgian FA is to make from the Belgian women’s footballers a generation as golden as their men’s counterparts.

Therefore, a good tournament this week in Tubize could mean a big step forwards to realize this ambition.

Enjoy your week here in Tubize!

Roberto Martinez, Technical director Belgian FA.


We are enjoying important moments in the history of women’s football in Europe. As a small country, we have high ambitions to improve our status in the sport.

Simultaneously with this women’s U19 Euro Elite Round, our Red Flames are enjoying a training camp in Los Angeles and a friendly game against the USA, number one in the world.

We consider this a great honor and I am sure that this is an extra stimulation for our WU19 players to take out the best of themselves during this tournament. Meanwhile I wish all the participants in this tournament the best of luck.

From the United States, staff and players of the Belgian Red Flames will support their WU19 colleagues in their ambition to qualify for the Euro’s hoping to welcome them one day in their team.

I wish you all the best of luck!

Ives Serneels Head coach Belgian Red Flames


Tessa Wullaert, top all-time scorer of our Belgian Red Flames, participated in the WU19 European Championships in 2011. Jana Coryn, Silke Demeyere, Yana Daniëls, Ella Van Kerkhoven and Justine Vanhaevermaet were also on the team led by coach Jean-Marie Greven at the time.

The European Championships were held in Italy in June 2011. Our journalen ended in the group stage, after losses to Switzerland (4-1), Russia (3-1) and Italy (1-3). Nevertheless, it was quite an experience.

What do you remember about the 2011 European Championships in Italy? “It was an historic moment. I had only participated in one youth European Championship before then. The organisation was fabulous. We’re more used to these things now, but eight years ago it was a truly new experience.”

“The level of our opponents was very high. We didn’t win a single game, but learned a lot and gained a wealth of experience. Most importantly, it was fun to be a part of it.”

How hard is it to qualify for youth European Championships? “The first qualifying round is less difficult than the Elite round. In the Elite round you have to win almost every game to qualify.”

“We tried to go as far as we could and we succeeded in that. When we were told in Russia that we had qualified, we had a small party.”

How important are youth international games for the growth of young players? “Youth international games are truly priceless. You learn so much. These are important steps on your way to joining the Belgian Red Flames.”

What advice would you give to young players? “Have fun! If you like what you’re doing, you’ll also want to train and then you’ll keep getting better. Find the right balance between having fun and staying focused. This is the way to move closer and closer to the top level.”

“Enjoy! And don’t give up. Show everyone who Belgium is!”

Tessa Wullaert – Belgian Red Flames
